Thursday, August 28, 2008

Good news, a new addition, and same old, same old.

I know I know, its been a really long time since I posted and I am really sorry. I had a great time in North Carolina. It was really great to see my friend and her house and new life there. And of course it was FABULOUS to meet her new little daughter (and my Goddaughter), Eleanor (Nora) Larsen Brummond. She is just the cutest little bugger! We had a nice time just lounging around with the baby (well, I lounged, she fed, changed, and burped the baby....but I helped!), and spent one day out shopping and stuff in Wilmington (where Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill are filmed). I was sad to leave and hopefully I can get back kind of soon. Although, I really did not enjoy driving from D.C. to her house alone and sleeping in my car. I also got a speeding ticket which didn't go over too well upon my arrival back in Milwaukee.
My friend, her husband, Nora, and their puppies will be coming for Christmas so I will definitely get to see them then. I took a bunch of pictures, I just have to find the cord to transfer them to my computer and then I will share them with everyone.
Speaking of puppies (kinda), yesterday, we added a new member to our family. Yes, we have another fur child! She is a 3 month old Labrador Retriever. She weighs about 20 lbs now and is just the prettiest little thing. We have not settled on a name yet, but I have been calling her Stella (and I have been suggesting Hilary to John, but he hasn't taken the bait! hehehe). She was one of 3 in a litter that, before being transferred from a shelter in Indiana, was a group of strays. She is VERY shy and kind of skiddish, but we are working on it. Mostly she has just been sleeping, but she did snatch Johns socks, the container of fish food, and on of my sandals, so I think she is coming around.
I found out today that the person who was being worked up to be a kidney donor is not going to work out (again), so now we are down to 1-2 people left. I am not really surprised or upset about it, because I have just come to expect it, but I am getting frustrated that we just keep going through people and no one works out. So, not a whole lot to say on that point right now I guess.
Tonight I have dialysis, and I think I may go a little earlier so I can get settled in by 9 so I can watch Obama's speech without interruptions from the staff. I am excited to hear what he has to say. As most of you know, I cut John's hair during the summer with a buzzer. This time when he needs it cut I am going to shave a big O in the back for Obama! Do you think he will notice and do you think he would get revenge by shaving a W into the back of my head? Feedback appreciated! Ta Ta

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Don't get excited, this isn't an actual post...well, kinda

Hello all of my dear readers!

It is now 2:20 a.m. and in 6 hours and 50 minutes I will be leavin on a jet plane! Whoo hoo! I am flying out to D.C. and then very early (like dark out early) on Monday I am going to be driving to North Carolina to visit my dear Melissa and new baby Nora! I am super excited! I will be there until Thursday afternoon, when I will be driving back up to D.C. and then returning to Milwaukee on Friday afternoon. I will miss you all, but if you are nice and leave me comments, I will post pictures. And I can't guarantee you anything, but I might post on location! I have a few good ideas to blog about soon, but I need to organize my thoughts. I am thinking maybe a book review, a post about women's/equal rights and how far we've (allegedly) come, or maybe something about friendship and the difference between having male and female friends. We shall see. Anyways, I talk to you when I talk to you. Oh, and for those of you who know me personally, please make sure my husband doesn't starve to death without me! Thanks! TaTa for Now!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Eat Right....and other ramblings

Hello all!

Again, sorry that it has been so long since I have posted. No good ideas. First, an update! My birthday was Thursday, and it was a pretty good day!
I went to lunch with a friend down at Beans and Barley which I had never been to, but love! All of their menu options look totally healthy and they have a huge selection of tasty vegetarian things. So I highly recommend it and will be visiting back often! John came home from work and I got my present from him which was a gift certificate from Azana spa. So, I think I have narrowed it down to getting a facial and a massage- yum. We went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, which was tasty. I am not a huge fan of this place because I generally do not like chain restaurants (if I never see the inside of an Applebee's, I can die a happy woman!) but they have pretty good food and we don't go there that often. I had a tasty chopped salad with corn, apples, eggs, tomatoes, etc along with an appetizer of crab wontons. Well, the "side salad" I ordered was GIANT so I couldn't finish all of it, but I did finish the wontons. That is another reason I don't like chains: they give you astronomically sized portions. Anyways, a good time was had by all.

The real purpose of this post is to tell you about my weight loss/get healthy plan. Well, its kind of a plan, but not really. You all know that I am not organized enough to have a plan! Anyways, I have been wanting to loose about 30 lbs that I gained since I started dialysis, due to me being wiped out and crashing on the couch and doing nothing usually. So, me becoming a vegetarian was the first step to this "plan". I do eat fish occasionally, because my dietician wanted to make sure I ate enough protein. But no beef, pork, poultry, or any other weird animal meat. I also do not eat any white flour. I eat whole grain bread, cereal, pasta, etc. I have been doing this for a few months, actually, and have noticed a small difference. With the "no white flour" you are also supposed to do "no white sugar" but I can't do that. I have really cut down the sugar I eat, but once and a while, you need a little kick. Lately, though, I have been eating tons of fruit, which gives you the natural sugar, so I have been able to eat less processed sugar. One other big change I have made is that I do not drink soda anymore at all. It is just plain bad for you. Period.
Next I wanted to share what my normal meals look like. My meals are pretty varied especially in the summer when I am just not as hungry as normal. Its just to hot to eat sometimes! But, here goes:

Whole wheat bagel with margarine or fat-free cream cheese
Scrambled egg on whole grain toast

Small bowl of organic rice krispies with skim milk

Tuna Salad (made with low sodium tuna in water and low fat mayo- I add celery and green onions also)
Apple with organic peanut butter, cheese wedges, and whole grain dinner roll
Egg Scrambler (Scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese)
Fresh fruit
Veggies and dip

Veggie burgers, or Soy "chicken" patties
Salad with cheese and eggs for protein
Tilapia fillet (they sell them frozen and flavored at Pick N Save for cheap!) with steamed veggies
Whole wheat pasta with marinara sauce
Fish Tacos (made with wheat or corn taco shells/tortillas)

Kettle Chips (they actually have less sodium than you may think)
Nuts (Sorry, no honey roasted peanuts)
100 % fruit popsicles
Yoplait "Whips" Yogurt
String Cheese (Low fat Mozzarella)
Fresh Fruit

100% fruit juice (I love Juicy Juice juiceboxes)
Iced tea (Usually a good bet at restaurants or vending machines)
Ice water!

Yeah, so thats pretty much what I eat. Although, I did come across a blog that I would love for you to visit. In my "Favorite Blogs" list, there is a blog called ConfessionsofaCFHusband that you should definately check out. It is basically about his experience stemming from his wife, Tricia's struggle with Cystic Fibrosis. One of the readers of that blog decided that he wanted to loose weight, but also do something to further the cause of curing CF . So he has decided that he wants to loose 65 pounds. He is raising money for his efforts and all donations will be sent to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Tricia's name. His blog has TONS of awesome ideas and tips and whatnot, so you should really read over some of his past posts. Go there NOW.

And now, this is a ridiculously long post, but now you all have to help hold me accountable for eating healthy. Next post will be about exercise. Anybody have suggestions? Please send them ASAP! Thanks.