Monday, September 15, 2008

Warning!!! If you are my mother, stop reading now!!!

Ok, so allegedly, my parents do not read my blog, but I think they are lying and actually do read it to snoop on what I am up to. They found out about my scooter and I didn't tell them, so unless my brother is the snitch, there is no other explanation. So, Mom, if you are reading this, first, I am proud that you figured out how to do things online besides email, but for your own good, quickly go back to and do not read any further...

Alright, now that that's taken care of, I have been thinking about getting a tattoo. I have been contemplating it for a few months now but I had a little bit of trouble deciding what to get. I am not asking for ideas, because I did figure out a few options, but I am not disclosing them until I actually get inked. One of them is about the size of a half dollar and would be on the back of my neck. I like that idea because if I didn't want it to show, I would just wear my hair down. The other idea that I had is having a quotation done, but I am not sure where that would go. I think it would look good on my lower back, but I don't want it to end up looking like I wanted a trendy tattoo so just went with a tramp stamp. I may go with it on my shoulder blade. We will see. So, if anyone has any recommendations for a good tattoo shop, I could use the tip! I spent a while looking at different tattoos at and while I didn't find an exact one that I want, I got some good inspiration. And yes, I know it will hurt, but I get two giant needles poked in my arm 3 times a week, so I might as well get needles shoved in me for a reason that I want, right? That was the philosophy behind getting my nose pierced....twice. The first time, I had to take it out for an unexpected ct scan and then I got it redone and it fell out while I was sleeping. I was pretty mad about that, since it isn't like the worst pain ever, but its not exactly like getting licked by kittens. Anyways, back to the tattoo thing, Ive been watching LA Ink whenever I can catch it and the people getting theirs done on tv don't look like it hurts too bad. And I have heard that it hurts alot on your foot or hand or right on a bone. Listen to me, can anyone else tell that I am rambling on trying to convince myself that it won't hurt? Haha. Well, I've had my share of pain so I don't mind it when the pain is for a reason that I choose instead of some sadist doctor. Thats a good enough reason to get ink pumped into my body forever, right?!?

Saturday, September 06, 2008


This is a picture of baby Nora from my trip to North Carolina. My little Goddaughter. awwww

Me and baby Nora.....she is so precious. In these pictures she was about 3 weeks old.

This is Nora and the Baby Mamma, melissa!

This is Melissa's dog, Charlie, who I also miss! He just needs a monocle and a top hat, because he is a total old gentleman!

Well, this is a long one...

Hi Everyone...

I don't have anything super exciting to say today, I am just writing because I am super bored. I have had kind of a rough week as my allergies have started up with a vengeance. It got really bad last weekend on Monday night. It was really hot out, but at about 8:30 pm, John and I decided to go up to Hart Park and play a little bit of tennis (I have not played tennis in years, and by years I mean probably 10 years). After about 10 minutes, I was soaked with sweat from the humidity and had a headache, runny nose, sore throat, and was sneezing up a storm. We still stayed for another half hour or so, but I was miserable. Luckily, I had a scheduled doctor appointment the next day so I got some new medication, because I was all doped up on Benadryl and not feeling any better.
I have been feeling better, although it is only because my house is totally closed with the air on and I am only outside when necessary, which is not fun. But I am hoping that with my medicine I should be able to be outside a little more this weekend. We would like to go to Tosa Fest tonight, which is outside, so we will see.
Speaking of being at the doctor on Tuesday, I walked into the hospital and got a call on my cell phone from one of the Transplant Nurses, asking me to come in to get my blood drawn for a crossmatch as they had a potential kidney for me. Well, I was pretty much blown away because I was not aware that I was even anywhere close to the top of the list for receiving a cadaverous kidney. But, of course I took this information with a grain of salt since I have been through 2 false alarms for my liver transplant, and 3 possible donors for the kidney. I went upstairs and met the nurse who started looking at me with this weird happy/confused face going "THIS IS SO EXCITING, ISN'T IT?!!?!?! WHY AREN'T YOU EXCITED? THIS IS SO GREAT, ISN'T IT GREAT! AREN'T YOU EXCITED?" and other miscellaneous crazy person exclamations. Well, my reply went something like (*token mean/annoyed look*) "umm, not really since I have been through this like SIX times before" (*disgusted scoff) So, needless to say, that kidney didn't work out. Oh well, I am kind of getting used to it. Although, it would be nice to not have to go to dialysis anymore.
Hmmm, I know I had other things to add today....oh a few words about the election. It has been a few days now since the Republican VP candidate has been announced. And at first, I had mostly pleasant thoughts about a strong, outspoken, woman being nominated. But after listening to Sarah Palin speak and learning more about her, she comes off as more of a mean-spirited bitch than anything else. (pardon my language, but if there was ever a time for that word, it is now)
Now I admit that I did not watch her whole speech. I was at my parents house, who are both ridiculously staunch Republicans and I was getting a little bit annoyed by both their hooting and cheering along with the speech itself. But I digress. My first thought was how interesting it was that the day before Palin spoke at the RNC, Cindy McCain got on television and was whining and crying about how Obama was being mean to her husband. And then Palin gets on television and spent more of her time making quick one-liners about her opponents than she did discussing policy. I also noticed that concerning the issues with her family, (her young Downs Syndrome son and her daughter's pregnancy and upcoming marriage (!) ) republicans were surprisingly tolerant. It brought back thoughts of the revelation that Dick Cheney had a lesbian daughter. Had the tables been turned and these issues were tied to a Liberal candidate, we all know that their values and dedication would be brought into question by many, especially the religious right. So while I suppose I am relieved to see a bit of compassion (and I do agree that these issues do not have a place in a candidates qualifications), I can't help but believe that the right is not being caring, as much as they are just on the defensive.
So enough about the rnc, what about the democratic convention? I was only able to watch the speeches of Michelle and Barack Obama, but hopefully, I will be able to catch a youtube version of the others soon. I thought that Michelle proved intelligent, classy, and confident. She is someone whom I could trust and respect, and feel comfortable that she may be whispering into the ear of our nation's leader. Barack's speech in Denver was nothing short of inspiring and powerful. I, along with others I have spoken to, was moved to tears listening to his passion for our country, the world's people, and for change. I have only been able to vote for 6 years (and have been following politics for about 8) and it was so refreshing to hear someone speak about our country and its people with hope and promise and passion. It feels so different than the last election where I felt as though I had to pick the lesser of two evils, and that I was voting against someone instead of for someone. I am proud to be part of the election promise and excited for what 4 (or maybe 8) years of an Obama administration could bring to not only our country, but to the world.
Ok, moving on from politics, well, I don't really have a ton to say, but I do have some pictures that I will post for you all to see, so be excited!!!