Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Miscellaneous Ramblings

Ok, yes I know that it has been forever since I posted anything and I am sorry to disappoint you but I have nothing big and exciting to report. Lately, I have been trying to keep myself busy especially because its getting cold and winter is fricken coming. Usually in winter I just hunker down in my house, stay in my pjs 24/7, snuggle with the dogs, drink coffee or hot cider, and watch tv or movies. I usually gain about 10 lbs every winter. I hate driving in the snow. I hate walking on ice (especially in heels), I hate that when I let the dogs back inside their paws are wet and muddy (or the fact that one member of our family who shall remain nameless is too much of a diva to walk on the cold ground or the snow so just pees on the floor...and no it is not John). So I pretty much do nothing all winter, which in my opinion is really lovely.
But, I digress. Back to being busy. I am working on a reasonable family budget that I can actually stick to. Usually John tries to make the budget and all of our money after bills go into savings and I get like 10 bucks to do what I want to do for the week. Which is ridiculous because I would have to save up for weeks to do anything- shop, get a haircut, go tanning, go out on the weekends, go out to dinner. I can hardly buy a chai latte with that! So I think mine is more reasonable. I am reading a book that has some good budget strategies and money saving tips. It is by this couple who has 5 kids and only spent 350$ a month on groceries. And they paid off their house in 9 years. Crazy! But they only shopped for groceries once a month, so now I am up to shopping for 2 weeks at a time, but we have still had 1 or 2 of those "quick trips for one thing" to the grocery store that end up costing $15. And looking over our debit card statement, we've been going to the grocery like 5-6 times a week every week. So, pretty much, Pick N Save is raping us of our savings account hard core. So anyways, about being busy, trying to get that implemented is time consuming. And I also have a home cooked dinner ready everynight. I take like 2 nights a week and make a few dinners and freeze them, so then we just eat leftovers of it. And since there is just two of us, it lasts about 3 nights! So, since I am not a huge fan of cooking sometimes, that feels like it sucks up my time.
Ohh! And, I also got a job. I am probably going to be working only 1 or 2 nights a week, but on weekends, I guess you make at least $100 night for like 5 hours. So not too shabby. Im waitressing at O'Donoghue's, which is an irish bar in Elm Grove. Well, its technically a pub cuz there's food and stuff. But on weekend nights, its mostly booze.
And I joined "Curves" last week. I really like it. If you don't know what it is, its a fitness place for women. You go in and all of the machines are in a circle, and it goes machine, mat, machine, mat...all the way around. So you jump in wherever you want in the circle and there is music playing and every 30 secs. it tells you to switch stations. So you move the the station next to you. On the mats, you just do something that keeps your heart rate up (jogging in place, jumping jacks, etc) Oh, and if you don't go in for a week or something, they start calling and stalking you to come in which for me is great!
Well I think I am going to go to bed. I have dialysis at 12 but I think I better go to Curves in the am before I find one of the coaches peering through my windows!

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