Sunday, October 19, 2008

A New Blog, Yo

Hello kids! I have reconnected with 3 of my high school friends and we have created a blog (based mostly on politics for now but I also see religion coming into play in the future). The address is As of right now I have not posted yet since we just got up and running today. Its a very cool idea as we all went to the same Christian School, where we were all traumatized so badly that all of us questioned our beliefs to such a degree that at least one of us now categorizes herself as agnostic/atheist. We all have common political views (for the most part) which are all left leaning. We are finally finding our own beliefs and own voices after being raised in the "religious right" by "values voters" whom we find ourselves arguing with on a common basis (when they aren't busy hearing "the truth" from FOX News- Hi Mom and Dad) The reason I now hold the political view I do is because I was forced to figure out (at the age of 17) exactly what I believed, what I didn't and why (so I guess I am a little bit thankful for having to go to that school, maybe). And also because I believe and strive to follow different parts of the Bible than the right winged conservative christian may. I believe that Jesus meant it when he said give up all you have and come follow me. I believe that we are to love our enemies and, I could be wrong, but I think that going to war and killing your enemies doesn't really go along with the whole "loving them" thing. I believe that any sin we commit is just as wrong as the other girl's. So being homosexual is no different than cheating on your taxes, or looking lustfully at another man's wife. I believe that life is precious both before and after birth. I believe that, yeah, taxes suck. But isn't it nice to be able to call the police when you have been robbed, or the fire dept. if your house is burning down, or having sidewalks and streets to walk on instead of having to hike through rough terrain to get anywhere, or that however crappy they are (and in Milwaukee they are crappy), that every child has the opportunity to go to school? I believe that yeah, some people take advantage of welfare but for the single mom who works to pay her rent and bills, she still needs to feed her family and 1. being single 2. being a woman and 3. raising children with irresponsible fathers makes everything that much harder. Do you want to be the one to tell her, "Sorry lady, but since some other scumbags have been scamming me out of some of my taxes so you either have to shut off the heat or leave your kids at home alone (because, by the way, we are not paying for your child care either) in order to continue to provide your children with the food they need?" I, for one, do not. The Bible tells us that (Im paraphrasing) whatever you do for the least of you (poor, sick, etc) you are doing for me. So yes it sucks to pay taxes for things like new baseball stadiums and ridiculous pension plans for city officials, taxes are necessary and as Jesus tells us "Give unto Ceaser (the gov't) what belongs to Ceaser" . So anyways, check out our new blog. I am super excited about it and will probably be up all night writing something. And for those who don't appreciate my political rantings (don't worry-nothin but love!) then fret not, because you don't have to read them anymore. Anything having to do with politics will now appear only on the wordpress blog I contribute to.

1 comment:

Christian Democrat said...

Hi Allison -

Thanks for the link and I'm looking forward to your new communal blog. It sounds like you three have some ground to cover and the diversity of opinion to make interesting reading.

As for your friend that is atheist/agnostic, you've probably tried already but it may be worth pointing out that it wasn't God that did that horrible stuff, but people. For good or bad, God lets people make really bad decisions sometimes and for those of us on the pained side of that we wonder how God could let that happen. All I know is that He does.

May His peace be with you all!