Hello all of my dear readers!
It is now 2:20 a.m. and in 6 hours and 50 minutes I will be leavin on a jet plane! Whoo hoo! I am flying out to D.C. and then very early (like dark out early) on Monday I am going to be driving to North Carolina to visit my dear Melissa and new baby Nora! I am super excited! I will be there until Thursday afternoon, when I will be driving back up to D.C. and then returning to Milwaukee on Friday afternoon. I will miss you all, but if you are nice and leave me comments, I will post pictures. And I can't guarantee you anything, but I might post on location! I have a few good ideas to blog about soon, but I need to organize my thoughts. I am thinking maybe a book review, a post about women's/equal rights and how far we've (allegedly) come, or
maybe something about friendship and the difference between having male and female friends. We shall see. Anyways, I talk to you when I talk to you. Oh, and for those of you who know me personally, please make sure my husband doesn't starve to death without me! Thanks! TaTa for Now!