Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I have been pretty busy this week! But it was mostly a good busy so that's usually ok. Sunday was John's Birthday (he doesn't read this or else I would've wished him a happy birthday). We had a lovely day. We went out for a birthday dinner with some friends from church. We went to Hector's and indulged in Mexican food which was fabulous as always. He loved his gifts which, aside from the suit, included a giant target that my dad painted on a piece of plywood for John to use to shoot his paintball gun. Lately he has been shooting it wherever he feels like and our white picket fence ends up looking orange.
Anyways, John usually isn't a huge fan of his birthdays so we just had a laid back, relaxing day. Tonight, we head over to my parents to celebrate a combined birthday dinner for John and I. We also get our presents! John is getting a tennis racket, tennis balls, and a bocce ball/croquet set, but don't tell! So those of you who play tennis, invite John to play (he isn't bad and loves to play). I already got my present (a shower curtain that I had been lusting after for a while) but if I know my mother (and I do) I will probably be getting something else tonight, so we will see.
I am having a hard time coming up with something interesting to blog about. I am inspiration-less. So I guess today, I will just ramble about miscellaneous items.
First, the sad story that is the Brewers. Now, I must confess, I don't really follow baseball unless they are winning. I think going to games when your team is losing is boring. (Or did you watch the all-star game? Now that was bo-ring) So I turned it on late last night and it was the bottom of the 9th. The score was 7-0, with Chicago winning. So why, you ask did I watch the game for another 15 minutes? I have no idea, but I am pretty mad at myself for wasting my time. Poor Brewers. They were really doing good. Oh well.
I leave for NC in 11 days! I am super excited. I am a little nervous because I haven't flown since 2003 and haven't had to do the whole "3 oz containers in a 1qt. bag." So hopefully I will be able to get through security. I also am hoping not to have to check any bags. But, I am going to visit because my friend just had her baby so I am going to have lots of presents, and my shoes will take up like half of my carry-on. So it is going to be tight.
My birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what we should do. I need some ideas. We want to go to dinner and then do something, but we don't know what yet. So any suggestions would be welcome.
And a few things about the blog! Thanks to all for voting on the "What kind of Dog should we get?" poll. It looks like the Cocker Spaniel won the vote. Now, how about a poll of "How to trick husband into getting another dog NOW!"? Also, thanks for the comments about the issue of the picture on an earlier post. Apparently, I didn't post the picture right, I just posted the link. And because of that, anyone could change the pic if they wanted. (I think thats how it went) So not 100% sure, but I guess I just have to be more careful with how I post pics. I didn't know that blogging was so complicated!
I just want to also thank my dedicated readers! I appreciate your feedback and welcome more of it.

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