Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Just a quick update

Hi Friends,

Tonight I go for my 3rd overnight dialysis treatment. Sunday (my 2nd) went pretty well. I got 4 1/2 hours of sleep (1/2 hour more than the time before) and starting to feel more comfortable there. I really can't say enough good things about this place. The 3 people that are there overnight are all really nice. And I do enjoy the overnight part of it, although I will admit I do not like sleeping alone. That makes it a little hard when I have to leave at night. But hopefully, I will get used to it over time. It really has started making me feel better. Yesterday I got home at 5:15 am, went back to bed until about 10:45, and then woke up refreshed and ready for the day. I went for a long walk and completed a few errands. Before right after dialysis I would be totally wiped out for the whole day. So, I am hoping not to waste my whole day today messing around on this stupid computer! (really, once I get on, its like a drug!)
Yesterday, I bought John part of his birthday present. I bought him a really nice suit from Boston Store with a matching tie. It is a brown/taupe color with super thin pinstripes. The tie is shades of brown and blue. I think it will look really nice on him. He has a suit now, but he has had it for more than 10 years and it really doesn't fit him right. I just have to find some shoes. Mens shoes are EXPENSIVE! I was shocked. Even the clearance shoes were like 60 bucks. (which I would have paid but none were in his size) So I will be searching for shoes today.
Today I will also be going for another walk, grocery shopping, and cleaning the house...oh yeah, and trying to teach John how to do algebra.
And as much as I LOVE hot 85 degree summer days (thats not sarcasm, I really do), this cool front that started yesterday has been really nice. I can actually open my windows! It makes it a lot easier to exercise outside, also. The humidity tends to make it hard for me to breathe.
Well, I guess I should go get ready for the day. Oh! And, I am going to start taking my camera with me and posting some pictures for you so don't worry, they are coming!
Thanks for reading!

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