Sunday, July 20, 2008

My First Post on the New Site!

Hello Everyone!

Obviously you have found your way to my new site. I like it alot better than my old one. You can choose the background and theme of your site and customize it anyway that you want it! So I have been having fun with it.
We had a really nice dinner last night. We ended up at Louise's downtown on Jefferson. We enjoyed the outdoor seating on the patio. It was beautiful out last night. Of course, I canceled our plans to have our friends over for a cookout because the meteorologists said that it was for sure going to rain. Oh, and it was supposed to rain all day today. I guess it rained a little in the morning, but we went to a birthday party for John's cousin's daughter outside in Waukesha where it was beautiful. We also went to our friends house from church for a get together...John played tennis and I ate outside. No rain. I think I am going to write a letter to all of the meteorologists and give them a piece of my mind!
So, today I headed to Target to buy a birthday present for a 4 year old girl. Now, I don't know if it is just me, but I think that Barbie is getting really slutty! Now, I should say that I am not a fan of Barbie to begin with. If I ever have a daughter, she will not be allowed to play with Barbie. First of all, as I said before, the dolls are dressed like hookers and I would want my daughter to know that the outfits that Barbie wears are completely inappropriate until you are 18 and out of my house. Second of all, I don't want her to get the idea that to be "pretty" you have to look like Barbie, or even that Barbie is the sort of woman she should want to look like. (I read an article saying that doctors have looked at Barbie's proportions and if a woman would have her measurements, she would have to be like 7 feet tall and have no internal organs). But now, it's not even just Barbie. They have High School Musical dolls, which are a little less slutty but still inappropriate for young girls. There are also America's Next Top Model dolls, who are definately will not be allowed. Although I do have to say, the new Bratz dolls are the worst. The dolls themselves are ghetto-fied with the thick liquid liner, big shiny hair, collagen-pumped lips, and high cheekbones. The clothes are seriously ridiculous. Not only are they hoochie looking, but, at least in my group of friends, there is no self-respecting woman who would wear these clothes in public. So why are they trying to sell them to little girls? Well, my guesses would be to a.) to hook these girls early to spend (or get their parents to spend) money on the line of dolls, clothes like the dolls, all the things that go along with the kind of image one would want to portray by wearing these clothes.
b.) they have no souls and are ignoring the fact that little girls are being abused and taken advantage of everyday and that by them dressing like this is just making them appear more available to the perverts that are on the loose and
c.) the people responsible for it are all men without daughters.
Anyways, I ended up buying a stickerbook of the Disney princesses, and a Disney princess accessory set with a little purse, some jewelry, her own "credit car", etc. When I have to buy for a kid, I like buying either books or craft supplies. My all-time favorite gift to give is the Curious George Movie Soundtrack Cd. All the music is by Jack Johnson and its a mix of some lullabies and just plain old fun music ("reduce, reuse, recycle" is my personal favorite!) And by the way, the pic of the dolls on the left above curious george is actually an offshoot of Barbie called "Wee Friends". Although, to me they look less"wee" and more"teen", I think they are a wholesome option for girls that want to play with teenage or adult looking dolls.

So, readers, what are your opinions of toys for girls? What kind of toys do you buy instead of the aforementioned dolls? Post your opinions under the comments section!


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more, especially since Ryan and I just shopped for a 1st birthday gift for a little girl. It was my first ventrue into the toy section in a while and I spent some time looking around. It's crazy what kids grow up thinking is appropriate because of how their cartoons and toys dress or act. What happened to classics like balls, coloring books and bubbles for when your little. Ryan and I both laughed about the barbie rant and can't wait to see you again. PS So jealous that you had dinner at Louise's. :)

Sheri said...

I like the new look Allison! How fun- You'll enjoy it!!!!