Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Advice on Special Needs Kids Needed!

Good afternoon all! I had dialysis last night and am a little more tired today because I only got like 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night. But I came home and slept from 7 till 11 and am awake and ready to go! Today I have lots to do. I must clean up the house, finish shopping for John's birthday present, go for my walk, and help John with math. Although, he may be working overtime tonight. Which, I don't like that I don't get to see him, but it would be nice right now if he would work late. First, we need the money. And second, it gives me more uninterrupted time to get my stuff done.
Anyways, I'm looking for a few tips or any advice you may have! I signed up at our church to volunteer with the kids as a "Special Needs Buddy". I wanted to work with the special needs kids because I really feel a special appreciation for them. Many times, when you really get to know them, they are very sweet and gentle hearted. But, I don't know alot about how to help them. I spoke with the coordinator today, and it sounds like most of the kids are either autistic or in some way developmentally disabled. They are all school aged, but many are put into lower aged classrooms because of their limited abilities. My job would just be to be with them, form a relationship, and if they need extra help or are having a hard time, to take care of them (as the actual Sunday School teachers are pretty busy with all of the other kids). I am really excited about this opportunity, but a little nervous. Does anybody have some tips about how to build a good relationship with an autistic/special needs child?


Amy and her Men said...

Hi Allison!

I worked with a special needs child when I was a nanny. I don't necessarily have a ton of advice but I know that what helped me with Jonny is to not be nervous. He could tell when someone was really uncomfortable with him and he didn't respond well. Also, be patient...which is good advice for working with any child :). It will be easier once you have met the child because then you can do a little more research on their exact needs.


Allison said...

Thanks amy, good advice! I appreciate it. I guess I am a little bit nervous, so I will just have to get rid of it by the time school starts. I think I can manage. I might just be more nervous about the parents!